Miscanthus Variegatus

Miscanthus Variegatus

Zone: 5-9
Height: 4-5 feet w/o Blooms
Height: 5-6 feet w/Blooms
Spread: 4-6 feet
Foliage Color: Variegated Green/White
Flower Color: Reddish tinted Blooms

Variegated Miscanthus is a classic ornamental grass featuring beautiful-wide leaves. It might appear white from a distance; however, it has a rich cream color stripe and deep green color that runs the whole length of the foliage. Miscanthus Variegatus grows in a traditional arching shape four to five feet in height in mid-September with reddish tinted blooms. It can be used for privacy or a background plant, but it is also a good size for a border or a bright specimen of beauty. Plant it in masses for drama or use it to cover a large, landscaped area. It likes full sun as shade may cause it to flop over. Enjoy its beautiful arching shape and spectacular blooms.

Price: 25-49 / $2.55 each
50 - 99 / $2.50 each
100 - 999 / $2.45 each
1000 + / call for pricing