Miscanthus Little Nicky

Miscanthus Little Nicky

Zone: 4 -5
Height: 3 - 4 feet
Spread: 2 - 3  feet
Foliage Color: Green & Yellow 
Flower Color: Coppery Red in Fall

Miscanthus Little Nicky is a dwarf form of Zebra grass with green and yellow bands that bloom copper in the fall. This is a clump forming grass that prefers full sun/partial shade with moderate – moist soil. This is a tough little grass being deer resistant, and drought tolerant all while attracting butterflies and can be cut for a flower arrangement. It is also known as a Maiden Grass or Japanese Silver Grass. The flowers will bloom best in the sun and will provide a beautiful accent to a fall garden.

25-49 / $2.55 each
50 - 99 / $2.50 each
100 - 999 / $2.45 each
1000 + / call for pricing